WPMG Consulting
Past Projects
U.S. Military Transition Assistance Program
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) was initiated at a military base that had been closed due to BRAC (Base Re-Alignment and Closure). Participants were provided services relating to transitioning them from military life to civilian life, to include preparing them for a job by providing job search services along with interviewing and resume writing. Other topics covered were Stress and Financial Management, as well as family and home management issues.
U.S. Military Train-The-Trainer Consortium
In working with military from all branches, this project held Train-the-Trainer sessions with participants of U.S. Coast Guard, United States Navy, United States Army with the exception of United States Marines. Topics included Life Transition, (The Management of New Beginnings), The Me I Want To Be (From Where We’ve Come to Where We’re Going), Respecting Yourself (Developing Personal Strength), and Taking Care of Yourself (Preparing For The Future).
The NEG Katrina Project
After the terrible storm of Hurricane Katrina, WPMG was tasked with assisting customers with looking for housing, food availability, medical and dental assistance, access to clothes closets and assistance in re-establishing major documents lost during the hurricane, such as driver’s license, social security cards, birth certificates, etc. Training in the form of Making Healthy Choices and Ten Steps To A Job Search was provided to these individuals during a year-long project.
Family Self Sufficiency Program
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program was a program that was used with Housing Authority residents. Individuals in Section 8 housing were taken through a basic two-week program to assist them with various topics, such as personal iife planning and family management, stress and financial management, as well as, other basic topics to re-introduce them to topics such as respecting self and others.
The Rise Program
WPMG created a program titled RISE (Rising Into Self-Empowerment). It was a 30-day program where participants were encouraged to give up unemployment, underemployment and in some cases, “Welfare” dependency. By encouraging participants to give up this dependency, a seed of productivity, creativity and self-sufficiency was planted. Higher education and employment training were major goals of this program.
Down The Road Summer Youth Theater Program
This Theater Program was a first-year summer youth project entitled “Down The Road” conducted with at-risk youth who were needing to gain employment for the summer. Students were taught STEM lessons in the form of presenting a theatrical assignment. They learned and developed key skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, to include problem-solving and creativity areas. The students, as a whole, developed the idea and theme of the production they wanted to present. They had to create props, configure adequate lighting and sound, select appropriate actors and players within themselves, demonstrate their acting, singing and dancing talents, plus maintain the accounting of funds to purchase needed items and supplies for their presentation.
Our Faces Going Places Youth Theater Program
This Theater Program was a second-year summer youth project entitled “Our Faces Going Places” conducted with at-risk youth who were needing to gain employment for the summer. Just as in the first-year project, students were taught STEM lessons in the form of presenting a theatrical assignment. They learned and developed key skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, to include problem-solving and creativity areas. The students, as a whole, developed the idea and theme of the production they wanted to present. They had to create props, configure adequate lighting and sound, select appropriate actors and players within themselves, demonstrate their acting, singing and dancing talents, plus maintain the accounting of funds to purchase needed items and supplies for their presentation.
Rapid Response
The Rapid Response Program is a program that WPMG has been conducting for nearly its whole duration of its business, nearly 32 years. This program is for agencies and businesses who ae downsizing and/or closing. The dislocated workers are assisted by WPMG conducting classes in Stress Management, Job Search, Resume Writing, Interviewing, Job Fair Preparedness and Financial Management. Participants can also be served in the area of employment by attending employment events such as Job Fairs or Employment Showcases.
The Applicant Pool
The Applicant Pool is a program created by WPMG for individuals searching for employment. A database is created for jobseekers to set up their own profile, to include creating and/or uploading their resume, a professional photo, as well as, the availability of self-creating a video. These applicants are made available to be screened by employers looking for qualified applicants.
The Talent Academy
The Talent Academy is a 10-day program working with individuals who were preparing to find and get a job. Topics would begin with Understanding Self and Understanding Personal Values and Goals and progress through how to deal with stress and family management situations. During the second week, all attention was placed on pre-employment skill development, personal assessment and job matching and networking. Interviewing tips and techniques were provided on conducting effective interviews from image mastery to how to dress and how to discuss salaries and benefits. Completing the second week including Respecting Yourself and Success at Work/Job Retention.
The Me I Want To Be Summer Youth Program
This summer youth program entitled “The Me I Want To Be” was comprised of at-risk youth (ages 14-16) who were taken through “Who I Am to Where I’ve Come From and Where I Want To Go.” Participants were encouraged to formulate a collage, video, recordings, albums, etc. of things or areas in which they excelled and to realize and vocalize their dreams for the future by creating their own video.
Making Healthy Choices
Training in the Making Healthy Choices Program is to assist participants in knowing what impact their choices have on themselves and their lives and lifestyles. It helped them to reflect on the thought processes and behavioral patterns that have shaped their lives. It also helps participants understand themselves and their goals. Also covered in this program is stress, life planning, respect for themselves and others, making work “work” for them, as well as, job retention.
Reaching For The Stars Program
The Reaching For The Stars Program was created for at-risk youth during a summer project. Participants received training in respecting themselves as well as others and created artwork highlighting African-American heritage, facts and culture. A storybook with their own artwork was created.
Families in Transition
WPMG created the Families in Transition Program for schools. Each school has its own dynamic issues, parent involvement, drop-out rate, attendance, intercultural relations and grades. The Families in Transition Program is designed to affect many, if not all, of these issues by involving the entire family unit. Addressing these issues through the parents and guardians of the students get closer to the heart of the problems being faced by the school.
Work-Readiness Academy
The Work-Readiness Academy is a virtual program created by WPMG to provide services to more than one classroom at a time. Agency branch offices were provided a format designed to be facilitator-led using video conferencing technology that could be streamed from remote locations, but with a considerable opportunity for personal introspection, as well as, group interaction and sharing. The curriculum covered job-readiness, job search, pre- and post-assessment evaluations and personal and life development skills. The program provided a highly interactive learning experience.
Re-Employment Center (Center Within A Center)
WPMG initiated a Re-Employment Center with the center concept for over 3,000 dislocated workers in a Board area. This operation lasted for a 10-month period and by the end of the ten months, over 9,000 dislocated workers had been served. Classes were offered in Job Search, Interviewing, Resume Writing, Introduction to Computer, Introduction to Word, Introduction to Excel as well as Introduction to Work-in-Texas. All classes were available in Spanish and English and videotaping for interviewing purposes were made available for all professional job seekers.
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