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Unseen Careers to Aspire to

Mar 1, 2012 | 0 comments

Unusual Job #6: Independent Duty Corpsman
Dedicated to providing health care services to military personnel, IDCs are recruits trained to administer treatment to victims of injury and sickness. They’re not exactly physicians; however, they’re often the only available medical personnel. Touro University International offers specially-tailored online programs designed to provide IDCs with health care credentials. These programs aren’t the same as medical residencies, but if you ever need IDC services, you’ll have no problem calling them “Doc.”
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Unusual Job #7: Wrinkle Chaser
This profession has nothing to do with beauty products or the elderly. Wrinkle chasers are in charge of removing, you guessed it, wrinkles, from shoes using specialty irons. Chasers can be assigned to a whole shoe or just a small part, such as the heel, and are in high demand at such companies as Shoemakers, England and Dr. Martens. After all, somebody’s got to make sure those Manolos are as smooth as the person wearing them.
Find Jobs in Footwear >>

Unusual Job #8: Knowledge Facilitator
Knowledge facilitators examine what employees need to know and the best ways to distribute that information. Online business students should prick up their ears. Corporate knowledge facilitators are using e learning to make businesses more streamlined. “Training is no longer a discrete, formal event,” states Dr. David Shoemaker, vice president of learning solutions for eCornell. “The ability to deliver knowledge in increasingly granular bits enables learning to be integrated seamlessly into the work flow.”

Unusual Job #9: Snake Milker
You’ve heard the phrase: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” In this case, what doesn’t kill you may prove to be a life-saving substance. Snake venom is at once a bodily poison and the primary ingredient in serums that cure snakebites. In areas where poisonous snakes are commonplace, animal care specialists employed to extract venom by “milking” the reptile’s fangs are crucial.

Find Jobs Working With Wildlife >>

Unusual Job #10: Laughter Therapist
If laughter truly is the best medicine, then Dr. Steven Wilson, certified a href=”http://aol.careerbuilder.com/jobs/keyword/psychologist?siteid=cbaol95odd“>psychologist and Laughter Leader/Joyologist is the doctor for you. Built on the philosophy that giggles, chuckles and belly laughs do a body good, laughter therapists such as Wilson work with clients to help incorporate a smile into patients’ daily lives. So how exactly does it work? “We don’t use jokes, we don’t use comedy,” Wilson reports. “You’re really going inside yourself to connect with the joyful, zestful, exuberant laughter we all had as babies… We not only show people laughter exercises that allow people to lighten up and release that laughter, but we teach how to prevent hardening of the attitudes.” Regular doses of laughter are proven to alleviate stress, boost the body’s immune system, and reduce the signs of aging. Here’s one therapy session you don’t have to take seriously.

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