WPMG Consulting

Solving Workforce problems since 1989

Working Dads are Appreciated

Mar 1, 2012 | 0 comments

of the United States, but instead you became President of a Fortune 500 company or even President of your child’s fan club. Always keep a positive spin on your thoughts!

5. Keep from despairing. So you skipped right over stress and went straight into despair? Okay, step back and take a very deep breath. Life is difficult and we are not going to tell you different. There are moments where it seems as if there is nothing you can do and no where you can turn. Those are the moments when you need to take your biggest step back and assess your location and where you want to go. This is a time when you need to have an honest open talk with your family or support group about what you have going on and what it’s doing to you. They cannot help you if they not aware of the situation. Perhaps, the kids could take more responsibility or maybe your mom could keep the kids a little longer on Thursdays. There is always a way and trust that your family can help you come up with one.

6. Know that you are appreciated. There may be times when you feel under appreciated. You worked all month, cut the grass, paid the bills, and managed to play a round of air hockey with little Timmy. Now what? No thanks? No applause? Was there not a door prize for being world’s greatest dad? Well, maybe not, but every time your family sits down at the table, they will know that you made it possible. They will appreciate you when they graduate from law school or when they become that rocket scientist you said they’d become. They will know that you were with them every step of the way. And that’s a feeling you can’t buy or replace.

Remember being a working dad is hard, but hardly thankless. There is so much joy to be had in the experience. Enjoy yourself and enjoy your family. Soon enough, those tea parties and soccer games will become graduations and award speeches where they thank their father for being the greatest father anyone could ever have!?