Unemployment Questions And Answers From TWC Representative

Mar 29, 2021

1.     Is there a waiting period to get your benefits?

  If the claim is processed as a Disaster claim or Coronavirus, or Pandemic there is no wait period

2.      Where and when does the $600 come through?

  The extra $600 is paid for all weeks beginning with week ending April 4, 2020 until week ending 7/25/20

3.     Is the $600 taxable?

  YES, the $600 is taxable

4.     Is there anything you need to do to get the $600 or does it automatically come when qualifying for UI benefits?

              It automatically comes when you qualify for UI benefits.

5.     Does the $600 come weekly, monthly?

             Comes with your unemployment benefit, which is paid biweekly

6.     Is the $600 attached to the request for payment?

             No, but you must earn at least 1 dollar of unemployment money to get the $600

7.     Is $600 direct deposited?

             Can be, but you need to set up your unemployment benefit to be direct deposited

8.     Are the benefits retroactive?

             You must ask that your claim be backdated when you begin your claim and must have been unemployed

9.     What does an employee do when they are told that they can’t apply for benefits because it would hurt the employer?

             Not true, if the claim is because of the Virus and the employer tells us that when they respond to our notice, their account is protected

10.  Is it still official that the job search efforts have been waived?

As of today their job search requirement is waived Statewide 

11.  Can you turn down a job due to lack of daycare?

 I would say that there are reasons that you can refuse to work or go back to work, those were stated by the Governor of Texas

12.  When an employee returns to work and has not received a cent of their benefits (including the $600), will they still receive the benefits that they qualified for?

          You must apply for unemployment benefits and request payment of those benefits in order to receive them