You know how it starts. "I need to rest; a small nap after work won't hurt." Maybe a "I don't have time to work out, I'm busy with work all day!" and my fave "It's just an innocent cookie to tide me over till lunch, what could it hurt?" However it happened, you are...
Banishing a Negative Self-Image
By Sheena Williams "I don't have the skills.", "They won't hire me", or "I'm not cut out for this type of work." Why don't you have the skills? How do you know they won't hire you? Who told you that you were not cut out for that type of work? Sometimes we can be our...
Something For The Employers
HIRE FROM AMONG THESE 9 GROUPS Long-Term TANF Recipient*- Member of a family that: 1) received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (T ANF) payments for at least 18 consecutive months ending on the hiring date, or 2) received TANF payments for any 18 months...
A Personal Marketing Package
A personal marketing package is an individual's first introduction to a prospective employer. That is why it is very important for you to make the appropriate selection when you are getting ready to do your resume. There are many selections to make, such as style,...
Interviewing Gets The job
The Interviewing Process Can Be Demanding, But Rewarding. One of the most important part of the interview is, of course, you know it, appearance! Be impressive, but not overly dressed and create a great first impression. This is what the interviewer will based their...
Unseen Careers to Aspire to
What Can They Teach You About Your Aspirations? Customer service representative... technical support specialist... administrative assistant... snore! Are you tired of empty job titles that just don't get you out of bed in the morning? From banana gassing to wrinkle...
Working Dads are Appreciated
Oh, the joys of being a dad! Rough housing with the kids, building tree houses with the boys, and, of course, the random tea parties with princes pearly pants! The only problem is trying to balance out your work life and your life as a father. If you're the good...
Office Etiquette
We're not going to cover hygiene. We assume everyone knows how to do these things. We are talking about those unspoken rules that are applicable to a work setting with which you may not be familiar --- things that make getting along with customers and co-workers a...