Have you ever seen a great position that has just come up working for the City of Waco? You tell yourself, "I probably can't work there; I don't know anyone there." Well, not to worry. You don't have to know anyone there or have a relative or friend who can get you...
Crank Up Your Creativity
You not only think outside of the box, you operate to its left. You have always been one to find a way around a problem that no one has ever thought of before. If not, then, it's a skill you can learn! There are always ways to get something done and with a little...
Boost Your Will Power
The art of self-control is an art form that many would benefit from learning --- even ourselves. So to help you and us, we researched some ways to bolster your innate ability to say no to temptation. We know you'll thank us later for teaching you not to eat that last...
Dress Codes Decoded
What The Codes Mean: I know. You hear the word dress code and something inside you inwardly cringes. The very words make you want to rise against the establishment, rage against the machine, and all of that noise. But, dress codes are a part of life that we all have...
Starting Your Career Over – Workforce Investment Act
If you are a laid off worker, this means you left your job through no fault of your own. There may be help available for you with regard to your education or training to start a new career. Many of us have lost our jobs during this economic turn down and may be facing...
5 Foods to Eat Before Your Interview
5 Foods to Eat Before Your Interview From Allhealthcare.com You are what you eat, so when it comes time for your interview, what can you eat that will make you alert, calm, focused, and quick thinking? We've spoken to experts and done our share of research to compile...
Myths About Getting Fit While You Work
You know how it starts. "I need to rest; a small nap after work won't hurt." Maybe a "I don't have time to work out, I'm busy with work all day!" and my fave "It's just an innocent cookie to tide me over till lunch, what could it hurt?" However it happened, you are...
Banishing a Negative Self-Image
By Sheena Williams "I don't have the skills.", "They won't hire me", or "I'm not cut out for this type of work." Why don't you have the skills? How do you know they won't hire you? Who told you that you were not cut out for that type of work? Sometimes we can be our...
Something For The Employers
HIRE FROM AMONG THESE 9 GROUPS Long-Term TANF Recipient*- Member of a family that: 1) received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (T ANF) payments for at least 18 consecutive months ending on the hiring date, or 2) received TANF payments for any 18 months...
A Personal Marketing Package
A personal marketing package is an individual's first introduction to a prospective employer. That is why it is very important for you to make the appropriate selection when you are getting ready to do your resume. There are many selections to make, such as style,...