2 Seasons

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Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Featured Episode

Becoming a Divi Web Designer

Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. Consectetur et tristique non, pulvinar preti. Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. 

Season 2, Episode 4    |    38min

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

by Melvin Collins, Jr Have you ever received your paycheck at the end of a grueling work period and you take a peek at your earnings and you just want to ask, "Who is this guy FICA and why is he taking my money?" We are going to take a look at a typical paycheck and...

So, You Didn’t Get The Job

by Sheena Williams So you have waited and waited, and found that you were not selected for that position you felt you were so perfect for and really wanted. You spent time and stress on a job that didn't come through, and now you're wondering....... Take a Deep Breath...

Company-Sponsored Events

by Sheena Williams Oh look! You've been invited to the company's holiday party! Wait! Maybe, it's a job- related cook out. Wait, wait... is that conference? Whatever the occasion, maybe they all have one thing in common, and it's that they are all work-related....

Need Help?

NEED HELP? by Sheena Williams and Yoli Salazar   "Help, I need somebody!" It's a popular song, but there are days when you truly need help. There are times when you are stuck in a place where you aren't sure what to do. So, have you ever found yourself thinking,...


By Yolanda L Salazar I hope you had time to take the small test we provided in Job Club Discussion #7, Punctuation on August 29, 2012. The comments were varied. Some felt it was rather easy and they felt good that they had done pretty well. Others indicated that it...

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